this platform. collates bright thinking on big ideas, with no intermediaries, that we can partake in, and contribute to, in the form of meaningful connection, and innovation.
Hi, I'm H, curator and creator, of the cerebration platform - thank you for stopping by.
this concept came from the sense that knowledge across individuals, between generations, somehow does not adequately self-perpetuate. as we grow into adulthood, the Great Pruning takes affect, our natural curiosities, sense of wonder, and sprawling desire to learn more, is quartered and parcelled into a single dose job. the potential is locked in the attic, or dullified into stasis. we do have select scientific breakthroughs, there is technological advancement, books are written and films made. but these occurrences are concentrated in small, localised hubs over long time horizons that we can ill afford. we have a planet full of seven point six billion humans who contain genuine multitudes, yet because of the vagaries of birth, geography, war, corruption, limited resources or sheer lack of an idea where to re-start, so much promise remains untapped.
the sources pooled here range from essays, novels, to YouTube videos and podcasts. treat it like an encyclopaedia, a 30,000 foot drop of ideas, and varied approaches to considered thinking. these are the start, to be perused, and then archived for reference, to make room for a lifetime's worth of originality, tinkering and collective enrichment.
is this a big vision? maybe. idealistic? a touch. hopeful? utterly.
here's to human flourishing.
p.s. to learn more of me - H - go here.
core values
People are multi-variate.
No knowledge is beyond reach, unless you put it there.
Start with fundamental and source materials, not extrapolations or opinions.
Assume the past contains as much wisdom as the future.
Everyone has a stake in the future of our planet.​​​